My thesis on Place-Based Media Arts would not have been possible without the steadfast support of Dr. Sandra Lubarsky, who re-enchanted my academic world with thoughts of molecular experiences and interconnectivity, and the inspiration to persevere.
I owe my deepest gratitude to my family, my husband Francis, and my daughters Bahozhoni and Camille for supporting me throughout the whole process. I want to extend an extra thank you to my eldest daughter Camille, who unhesitatingly took on the project and allowed me to document her learning. I would also like to thank my mother-in-law, Mae Tso, for her generosity, wisdom, and love. I am also immensely grateful to my father, Robert S Cox, for his devoted support and unconditional love.
I am indebted to the extended Tso family and Benally family.
It is an honor for me to also thank Dr. Mark Sorensen of the STAR School, Paul Helford, Dr. Barbara Jo Maier, and Larry Holloway for being on my thesis committee.
Thank you to Rudy Preston for helping me with and hosting this website.
I am grateful to all those who supported me in any respect, thank you.